A MISCHIEF OF MAGPIES - New Project Announcement
Cover A by Matias Bergara (art) and Emma Price (logo/design)
Cover D by Bilquis Evely and Matheus Lopes
Cover B by Fabio Moon
Cover C by Matias Bergara
Mar has a secret.
Sometimes, without warning, he falls out of the world.
This would be an inconvenience if his life wasn't already such a drag.
When he's gone, he finds himself in an extraordinary city. A city which is also a machine, endlessly crossing a shoreless ocean. It’s a metropolis of two halves: the bright, bustling spires above the waves; the beast-haunted twilight halls below. And between, clowning along the rusting beach, a troupe of anarchic magpies with all the answers but none of the questions.
Recipients of the Angoulême Sélection Officielle, GLAAD Award, and multiple Eisner Award nominations, creators Si Spurrier & Matías Bergara present a new fantasy masterpiece in the tradition of Coda and Step By Bloody Step, driving the comicbook medium into new, beautiful, baleful waters.
So begins the hype rodeo for a new, utterly singular project: A MISCHIEF OF MAGPIES.
Along with my frequent collaborator Matías Bergara, I’m delighted to announce this new medium-warping bi-monthly book, released by mold-breaking publisher DSTLRY.
The first of its three, double-length issues drops April 2025.
I can’t stress enough how novel yet delightful this fusion of styles and forms will feel to readers. That’s the signature of a magnificent creative team, all pulling as one. Matías on art, with color assists from Kike J. Diaz; Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou handling letters with his trademark outside-the-box genius; Emma Price revealing the importance of exceptional design when every page is an experiment, and Eric Harburn with the unenviable task of editing it all and herding all us proverbial cats.
It is, in a word, unique.
In two words? Uniquely feels-y.
Obviously there will be a lot more to say about this as we approach publication. For now, you can get a little extra behind-the-scenes peekage, including some interior pages and some interview input from Matías and me, in the announcement article from POLYGON.