Hellblazer - Out Now
“I’m a nasty piece of work, chief. Ask anyone.”
Hellblazer #1 - Variant Cover by Charlie Adlard
Ongoing Series starts Nov 27
The LAUNCH SPECIAL of the new Hellblazer series is out now — and arrived in a smoky fug of ridiculously excellent reviews. We tingle.
But now we’re into the real meat of it. From Nov 27 you’ll get your full-strength horrorcentric dose of John Constantine on a monthly basis, in a new ongoing series.
Main series artist is Aaron Campbell, with colors by Jordie Bellaire and letters by Aditya Bidikar. Words, naturally, by yours truly.
It looks absofuckinglutely gorgeous, and you don’t have to take my word for it — scroll down for an art-only preview of the first issue.
Oh, and here’s an interview Aaron and I did with the Hollywood Reporter: lots of good toothsome info in here.
Main series cover by J.P. Leon, with a very special variant (see above) by the one and only Charlie Adlard.
Usual appeal from us to you: tell your LCS you want a copy. If they don’t know there’s a demand they can’t be expected to order enough. This one will go fast.
“...a return to form for one of comics’ greatest anti-heroes. It’s brash, weird, funny, and everything you’d expect from a comic with the name Hellblazer across its cover. This comic walks around with a knowing, wry sneer on its face, like a punk kid in a sea of jocks, returning John Constantine to the outsider status he originally flourished within.”
“This could be the best Hellblazer story in at least a decade. Longtime fans will be ecstatic to see the return of an older and more jaded Constantine, while new readers will have a rich and exciting jumping-on point.”
“Hellblazer #1 features Spurrier at his sharpest, dazzling visuals from Takara and Peter and excellent lettering from Bidikar. ”